Q. 1: What is Kshara sutra therapy?
Ans.: Kshara sutra therapy is a modified and standardized version of an Ancient treatment procedure, originally described by Ancient Indian Ayurveda Sages like Sushruta, Vagbhatta etc. for the treatment of Naadivrana (Sinus) & Bhangadara (Fistula in ano).
Kshara sutra is an Ayurvedic medicated thread which is prepared by smearing a special Linen thread with Ayurvedic drugs. It takes about one month to prepare it.
It is used for the treatment of anorectal diseases like; Bhagandara (Fistula in ano), Arshas (Piles/Hemorrhoids), Parikartika (Chronic fissure in ano), Pilonidal sinus, etc.
Q. 2: What makes this therapy so special?
Ans.: When you will go through this questionnaire, you will know the answer of this question.
Q. 3: Is it a surgical operation? Does the patient need hospital admission?
Ans.: It is a minimum invasive procedure in which ligation of Piles, Sentinel tags and Threading of Fistulous track is done under local anesthesia (generally) or no anesthesia at all. So, it will not be suitable to compare it with surgical operation.
Normally the patient doesn’t need any hospitalization but in few cases where the procedure is carried out in spinal or general anesthesia, a hospital stay of about 24 hours may be required.
Q. 4: Is it a painful procedure? Does the patient need anesthesia? Is there any risk?
Ans.: The feeling of pain can’t be generalized for all individuals. Some people feel more pain even in minor injury while a few can tolerate much more pain. So, it is not possible to say that how much pain a particular patient will feel? However, some pain can be felt as in other procedures.
Generally the procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. But depending upon the case, spinal or general anesthesia may also be needed in a few patients.
As compared to other contemporary procedures for anorectal diseases, kshara sutra therapy has minimum risk and possibility of complications.
Q. 5: When does the patient resume his job and daily routinely activities after the procedure?
Ans.: Normally the patient can carry out his daily routinely activities from the same day.
Q. 6: How much time does it take to cure the disease completely?
Ans.: The complete cure of any disease depends upon the condition of patient, stage of disease, Prakriti (Body constitution) and many more factors. So, it can’t be generalized.
Generally it takes about 10-14 days to cure Piles and Fissure and the healing time of Fistula in ano can be estimated only after a thorough examination of the patient.
Q. 7: Is it true that in Fistula in ano, the kshara sutra needs to be changed every week? Is changing of kshara sutra a very painful procedure? Is there need of any anaesthesia during the kshara sutra changing?
Ans.: Yes, depending on the length of fistulous track, one has to undergo several sittings of weekly kshara sutra change. As far as pain is concerned during the kshara sutra change, I would like to tell you that if kshar sutra is done by skilled doctor, the pain during changing of thread can be minimized. As far as anaesthesia is concerned, it is practically very much difficult (almost impossible) to give anaesthesia every time while changing the thread because the number of sittings of thread change are quite much. However when threading of fistulous track is done first time, local or spinal anaesthesia can be given for patient’s convenience. It’s all depends on surgeon’s skill. If a surgeon is having a good experience, he can change the thread with minimum pain and inconvenience.
Q. 7: After the treatment can the disease reoccur?
Ans.: This is the main feature of kshara sutra therapy that chances of recurrence of disease after the treatment are only 2-4% which is practically nil as compared to other surgical procedures employed for fistula in ano, piles, fissure, pilonidal sinus, anorectal abscess etc.
Following the surgical procedures like Fistulectomy and fistulotomy, for the diseases like Fistula in ano the recurrence rates are very high and there are chances of complications like anal incontinence in High anal fistulae. In such cases kshara sutra therapy is an excellent treatment option.
Q. 9: What are the precautions to be followed during and after the therapy?
Ans.: The instructions of the doctor should be followed strictly. Patient should take adequate fluids, diet rich in fibers to avoid constipation. Sitz bath with Ayurvedic drugs warm decoction should be taken as per the physician’s instructions.
Q. 10: Does the patient need to swallow many medicines during the therapy?
Ans.: Only a few medicines a patient needs to take during the therapy.
Q. 11: Is it an expensive therapy?
Ans.: No, Kshara sutra therapy is very cost effective. As compared to other contemporary surgical procedures, kshara sutra treatment is very effective, safe and cost effective.
Q. 12: Can ano-rectal diseases be cured by medicines only without any surgical or parasurgical procedure?
Ans.: Practically it has been observed that only first degree piles/hemorrhoids and anal fissure in its initial stage can be controlled by Ayurvedic medication. But in 2nd, 3rd and 4thdegrees of piles/hemorrhoids, Chronic fissure in ano and fistula in ano, abscess, pilonidal sinus etc. need surgical intervention. However people tend to refrain from surgery due to fear and/or expensiveness and wander here and there in search of medicine. Quacks take the advantage from such patients and finally lead to aggravation of the disease. Among various surgical and parasurgical approaches, the Ayurvedic kshara sutra therapy has been proved to be extremely safe and effective. It has been well established by premier institutions like AIIMS New Delhi, ICMR New Delhi, PGI Chandigarh, CCRAS New Delhi etc. that kshara sutra therapy is an effective way to treat anorectal diseases like Fistula in ano, Piles, Fissure in ano, Pilonidal sinus, Anorectal abscess etc.
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